Distran ultrasonic cameras detect gas leaks quickly and from a safe distance, thereby reducing emissions and protecting people and equipment. They are deployed in various industries such as oil and gas, chemicals and power generation.
How would you describe your solution in a few words?
Inspection specialists in Oil & Gas, the Chemical Industry, Power Generation, Composite Manufacturing, and other fields trust in Distran to protect people, reduce emissions, and increase performance.

Get accurate leak pinpointing at a distance and real-time leak rate quantification with the Distran ultrasound camera. © Distran
Pioneering Acoustic Leak Imaging (ALI), Distran Ultrasonic Cameras find gas leaks faster and from safe distances. We empower our customers not only to detect gas leaks, but also to reduce fugitive emissions and hence their ecological footprint.
Who are your customers?
Service providers and plant owners in
- Oil & Gas
- Power Generation
- Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry
- Composites Manufacturing
What are the environmental benefits of your solution?
By helping detect gas leaks faster we also help reduce emissions, as undetected gas leaks often lead to emissions of fugitive emissions such as from Methane (CH4).
In addition, the real-time leak rate quantification feature of our acoustic cameras enables users to prioritize maintenance activities based on the ecological impact of the detected leaks.
How do you manage to exist on the market?
By being innovative and competitive. Having invented the world’s first ultrasonic camera in 2013, we have managed to establish Distran as the pioneer and leader in Acoustic Leak Imaging.
More and more companies in our target markets count on our technology, as it enables them to detect leaks in a faster, safer, and more reliable way compared to traditional technologies.
Nominated solution: Acoustic ultrasonic camera
Company: Distran AG
More information: www.distran.swiss

January 2024: Distran team gathering, celebrating the company’s 11 years of growth, reflected how the team had evolved and expanded over the years. © Distran