How would you describe your solution in a few words?
By coupling the role of the ground structures with that of the geothermal heat exchangers, energy geostructures act as structural supports as well as geothermal heat exchangers for buildings and infrastructures. Energy geostructures may take a variety of forms, such as energy foundations, including energy piles (precast, driven or bored), energy walls and energy barrettes, or energy infrastructures, including energy tunnels (cut and cover, traditional or Tunnel Boring Machine excavation). By offering a breakthrough twofold purpose to every underground construction, energy geostructures thus provide a cost efficient solution to harvest local and renewable heating and cooling energy.
Who are your customers?
We provide building contractors, municipalities, engineering and architecture firms as well as construction companies with the best solutions for the renewable energy supply and structural support to any type of built environment : households, buildings, parking, metro lines and airport runways.
What are the environmental benefits of your solution?
With reference to gas boilers and air conditioning, heating and cooling provided through integrated energy geostructures reduces the environmental impact up to 60% in terms of the equivalent CO2 emissions, human health, resources depletion and ecosystem quality.
How do you manage to exist on the market?
Through cooperation and coordination with future clients and implementation partners, we plan on developing new energy geostructures projects for sustainable buildings and infrastructures.
Nominated Solution: Energy Geostructures
Company: GEOEG Sàrl
Further Information:

Team 2018 – from left to right: Alessandro Rotta Loria (CEO), Margaux Peltier, Lyesse Laloui. ©GEOEG