How do you describe your solution? is the largest Swiss rental platform for everyday objects. With us, objects are shared – instead of everyone having to buy everything new. We have created a modern object library where you can find everything you don’t need regularly.
Countless objects are handed over between tenants and landlords – and in between, we provide an insurance solution for carefree sharing in the neighbourhood. The future belongs to local consumption, and we are the tool for it. You too can rent and let on Sharely!
Who are your customers?
Our target group is as diverse and varied as life itself – from budget-conscious families, enthusiastic athletes, professional photographers to environmentally conscious people or income-oriented landlords who can better utilise and amortise their properties.
Welchen Nutzen bringt Ihre Lösung für die Umwelt?
If you share, you get by with fewer (of your own) things – and thus conserve resources. We assume that with Sharely we have an overall resource-saving of two-thirds compared to buying.
The objects rented via Sharely are often rich in metals, complex composites and plastic, all elements that were provided with large energy input. Not to mention that our consumption leaves a large ecological footprint abroad, often in the poorest countries.
If we use the objects more often and repair them when they are defective, we ensure better ecological conditions along the entire production chain.
How do you succeed in the market??
Behind Sharely is a dedicated team that markets the platform, keeps it technically up-to-date, develops the apps, provides customer support and ensures that an attractive overall experience is offered. We are the No. 1 in Switzerland – through years of focus, passion, purpose and continuous improvement of the platform and the processes behind it.
Nominated Solution: Expresslieferung von Ersatzteilen
Company: Sharely AG
Further information:

Team photo from left to right: Roland Peer (Head IT), Sandra Thormeier (Support), Gunda Bossel (Marketing), Andreas Amstutz (Founder, CEO), Claudia Jork (Founder, Strategic Projects). © Sharely