
Green Business Switzerland
c/o Schweizerische Umweltstiftung
Anton-Julius-Eggstein-Gasse 3
6005 Luzern


Phone +41 41 420 11 08



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How would you describe your solution?

Landis+Gyr has launched an electricity meter with Dutch energy suppliers that are not only smart but also aligned with the principles of the circular economy. Its recyclability has been increased, and materials with high carbon content and conflict minerals have been reduced. This saved around 275 t of material just during the project phase.

Who are your customers?

(Energy) utilities around the world


What are the environmental benefits of your solution?

At least 1260 t CO2e avoided
14.5 t less copper
37.7 t less steel
221.1 t less plastic

Significant material savings with the sustainably produced E360 electricity meter © Landis + Gyr

How do you manage to exist on the market?

The company has a heritage of 125 years and has the largest installed base of smart electricity meters on the market. In close collaboration with our customers we continuously invest in our portfolio.




Nominated Solution: Fair-Meter

Company: Landis+Gyr

Further information:


Werner Lieberherr, CEO of the leading global provider of integrated energy management solutions © Landis + Gyr