
Green Business Switzerland
c/o Schweizerische Umweltstiftung
Anton-Julius-Eggstein-Gasse 3
6005 Luzern


Phone +41 41 420 11 08



Energy-efficient, resource-saving and digitized building technology for the future
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How would you describe your solution in a few words?

Swissframe provides a resource-saving (industrial) compact, decentralized hot water supply operated from exhaust air and solar power. There is also comfort ventilation with heat recovery and a prefabricated sanitary unit. These elements enable incredible energy efficiency. (-70%) Due to this massive reduction in operating costs and the rising energy costs, a very short payback period (2-3 years) is achieved. In addition, Swissframe offers the basis for energy-optimized real estate and building services management with real-time data (recording of energy consumption, long-term monitoring, operating data for product optimization cloud/backend, etc.).

Who are your customers?

Portfolios with apartment buildings (settlement areas), housing cooperatives, pension funds, insurance companies


What are the environmental benefits of your solution?

Resource efficiency, recyclability, energy efficiency, self-consumption optimization of the EVO solar system, database for energy optimization (Minergie monitoring module) Build local value chains = less logistics, reduction of waste in general in the construction industry (packaging, empty runs, no empties logistics, inefficient production on site)

How do you manage to exist on the market?

We have no direct competition. The connection between trades, building services, recyclability, energy efficiency and digitization has not been an issue in the industry to this day.
Most of the time, conventional installations are still being used, as they were 50 years ago. Inefficient thermal heat networks are increasingly being promoted. These solutions are not multi-generation capable and unnecessarily waste resources and energy and thus lead in the wrong direction.


Nominated solution: Energy-efficient, resource-saving and digitized building technology for the future

Company: Swissframe AG

Further information: Thermos von Swissframe AG


CEO Balz Hegg