How do you describe your solution?
The Bauteilbörse Basel BTB is committed to sustainable buildings in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals SGD, collects used components and white goods, checks and repairs them (if necessary) and sells them to new owners. Items that are no longer usable are dismantled, remain in the utilisation cycle through recycling or are disposed of professionally.
Grey energy and waste are reduced, the focus on the circular economy in construction is strengthened, and discussions in politics/society are stimulated. BTB advises cantons, municipalities, building owners and investors. It illustrates the circular economy in construction with examples of best practice.
BTB offers 30 integration jobs for people looking for work.
Who are your customers?
- Private builders
- Architects
- Large companies and investors
- Customers in the online shop
- Cooperation partners and communities of interest
- Benefit commissioners from social insurance institutions
What are the environmental benefits of your solution?
The amount of waste per capita in Switzerland is among the highest in the world; almost two-thirds of this results from the renewal of real estate standards (source: FOEN study Reuse Building 2020).
Although new buildings constructed according to sustainable standards have an optimal energy balance, in comparison they neglect the importance of the production energy balance (grey energy) upstream.
BTB’s commitment reduces the production of virgin materials, which means that grey energy is used for longer, raw materials are preserved and the reduction of pollutants and waste is consistently positively influenced.
How do you manage to survive on the market?
Reuse is becoming more and more important with the global increase in consumption or climate change, is recognisable as a trend (fashion, furniture), in the luxury construction sector (old parquet flooring, reuse of components from villas, castles) or in innovation (concrete recycling).
We carry our message with best practices, partners, suitable pilot projects, the network and our own social media channels to the outside world, encouraging discussion and imitation. Our clientele knows us as a long-standing, experienced, competent partner with fair prices. We use cooperations and network in a target-oriented way, offering a unique comprehensive range of services around construction and reuse from a single source.
Nominated Solution: Components Exchange Basel
Company: powered by Overall
Further information:

Team from left to right: Melanie Dörre, Rahel Widmer, Ana Fischer, Silvia Pagnozza, Ianne Bosch, Marc Frey, Ramon Schäublin, Manuel Herzog, Saimen Bearth, not in the picture: Reto Herzog. © Bauteilbörse Basel